"Isabella" | Oil on board (NFS)

"Kea Mischief" | Oil on board | Image size (507 x 405) | $12,000.00

"The Past, Present and Future" | Oil on linen | Image size 56 x 66cm | $12,000.00

"The Forgotten Past of the Janie Seddon" | Oil on canvas board | Image size 455 x 235 | $7,000

“Uncovering the Past” (Weka Bird, Oil) 2019 | “In memory of Tārore and her Gospel of Peace” | NZ$32,000 | SOLD

"New Zealand Falcon" | NZ$14,500 | Dimension 58 x 68.5cm framed | Oil on board

"Grace" | Black Robins | NZ$16,500 | Dimension 46 x 68cm | Oil on paper | SOLD

"Eurasian Owl" | NZ$20,000 | SOLD